Come into my heart

Collage by Erin.

Come into my heart.

baby darling dear.

your eyes are sparkling with that special

tinge of mischief again.

press my hand against your cool forehead,

I am feverish warm. I am nervous around you.

be the one to hold up the part of me that

needs a skeleton.

help me build synthetic bones and skin. let me

truly be myself again.

I draw patterns on your back, on your arm,

around your lips.

I quote forgotten bits of poetry in a soft

voice so that you know I am in the midst of

something magnificent, I don’t want it to


gold glimmers at the edge of my vision,

whatever it is that moves in my brain does

not bother me with you here.

let’s lie down together. let’s hold hands.

let’s keep breathing until we are in sync.

our breaths propping up the tent we built

for ourselves.

and when sleep comes it is peaceful and

I know I will wake up with my soul at rest.

even when you get up

even when your side of the bed grows cold

I am left with the knowledge that,

for a moment, our lungs were one and the same. ◆

Inezz is a 20-year-old writer studying politics and culture and spends her free time consuming as much media as humanly possible. Find her on Twitter.