Muses, Filters

Illustration by Mezna.

It’s hard to look at the world with no judgement and no filters over your eyes. I wonder if anyone can truly see the world for what it really is and what’s beyond. I pride myself in my faith but it does not let me see the whole picture and I know that the loss of faith might blind me. I don't want to be a visionary, nor do I want to be blind, I just want to judge my actions with no filters that would hinder the fairness of my judgement.


Imru’ heard the whispers in his ears and he followed

Bint AlNu’man wrote her urges in the lines about her whispering lover but I hear no sounds

 I feel the walls of my chest and the weight in my fingers

It is forbidden to say what lives inside of me, and for what?

Are the speakers chosen or do they inaudibly scream until they finally whimper?

I whisper to myself but I don’t suppose I can hear anymore, or maybe I forget to

I feel my urges but I lost my lines, I lost trust in my pen

I don’t hear them giving me their gifts, but maybe that only happened in simpler times.


The poet’s words buried him alive

The seers muse had left her untouched

My faith, a veil that enfolds me in a comfort of my own

Eyes wide shut at the realms beyond mine and

arms wide open for myself and my thoughts

If my tongue, my chest, and my fingers fail me

If they fail me

Bint Kaithamas sights of Venus and Jupiter will suffice

And I shed the filters off my eyes

And my words will resurface with every moon


Throughout the ages, the jinn have mastered the art of poetry and some have been muses or mentors to some of the most well-known poets in history.

Imru’ al-Qais was inspired by his jinn Lafiz and Tarafah to utter many of his famous verses.

Fatima bint al-Nu’man was a seer and poet with a jinn lover who would inspire her poetry and teach her many secrets. The world is vaster than our minds can process and that’s a beautiful thing. ◆

“Filters, Muses” is Hanoof’s debut piece. She has a knack for transforming her experiences and lacing the words into heartfelt poems. Her interests include storytelling, pre-Islamic studies, mythologies, and international cinema. Hanoof is currently a Languages, Literature, and Translation student, and writes to you from Riyadh.