The Office Plant Lady Club

It’s hard to make me (a 4’11” twenty-one-year-old with a love for Disney Pixar movies) feel like an adult, but if anything would do it, it would be working full-time at my parents’ office over the summer. The ladies I had worked with were nice enough, but I never expected to become friends with women that had kids, mortgages, and many years of life experience over me.

One day, I noticed that the ladies would put their desk plants by a large window that let lots of sun into the office, so I brought my own tiny succulent from home (that I hadn’t managed to kill yet), and put it beside their other beautiful, successful plants. I hadn’t realized it, but I had joined their unofficial plant club. On breaks, we would search up tips to keep our plants growing, and discussed how funny it was that plants grow better around other plants and can “gossip”.

By the time summer was over and I had to go back to school, the ladies were heartbroken about the club losing a member, but marveled at the drastic growth of my tiny succulent in the time beside the window. Looking back, I don’t think my plant was the only one that had undergone growth over the summer. It was this time spent in the office that I really felt like I had entered adulthood, marked by me getting overly excited about office desk plants. ◆


Contact Dina through: @dinadraws36 on Instagram.