Issue 001: Editor's Letter

Dearest Reader,

Within the grasp of your hands is our first issue, one that we proudly present as a symbol to celebrate the unity of the creatives around the world. Sumou knocked on my doors and stayed in my heart like a humble guest. In its presence, I faced no difficulty throughout the process of making it grow. I am very thankful to God first, and then whomever is reading this within the grip of their hands. Thank you for finding the time and interest in reading this.

All the Things We Don’t Feel was first introduced by our editor, Haifa AlFaris. The things we don’t feel are the things that pass us by without grasping much of our attention. However that does not negate the fact that our subconscious is negligent of their passing—their roots become implanted deep within our veins. In this issue, we celebrate the power of perspective, and how the artist is able to translate the theme to whatever image they perceive. We see the effect of culture, origin, history, and illness through art. We hope this issue strikes you as beautiful as we thought it is, and we wish to see you again in our future issues. Until then, keep creating.

Love, love, love,


Jood is the founder of this site. Find her on her Instagram here.